Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Twenty-nine. Meh.

Do you ever have those days that are really meehhhh and the days turn to weeks, months, etc.? I've been in my head about stuff (all kinds of stuff) and have had the urge to crawl into my cave and hide away until things are more...something else. Just more something else.

Hence, no Not-Blog posts. I didn't want to gooooo there in my posts and also couldn't bring myself to document any funny, informative, or otherwise intriguing stories. But sometimes things are just shitty and that's wussup. Or they seem it, feel it, smell it.

I've been very tired in all the usual ways. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Trying to be a lady warrior always and do all the things and be pumped while doing them. What is the point of being or doing anything other than that?! Attitude does not have to be dictated by how much sleep I get or what my circumstances are that day, that week, or that season of life. Right - ?!

And then there are times a lady warrior steps back and says, "Okay, then." And sits on the bed, maybe lies her head, and feels all the feels and and reads Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss to herself and no one else and grieves and celebrates the parts of her that are on trial in her mind.

Then that lady warrior's little bud wakes up from his nap and he's groggy and whiney and she picks him up and snuggles him close and he quiets down and lies next to her, sucking his thumb, and she stares at his face with her face so close she's fogging up his eyelids and she remembers that she can and she will. She'll do all the things and be pumped about it because LIFE, that's why, and GRATITUDE is her sail and she will raise it and go.

Then that bud opens his eyes and takes his slobbery thumb out of his mouth and promptly pushes her face away leaving saliva on her cheek and nose and she's like - Oh, right. Life. - and continues raising her Gratitude sail, and also raises her Sense of Humor flag and carries on.


  1. Giiiiiiirrrrrrllll!! ���� Yes... Exactly. I feel you.

  2. Love. Solidarity. Warrior and flags raised high. Great message, lady friend. Love.
