Wednesday, December 14, 2016

44. The Waiting Room

Wesley - have I mentioned Wesley yet? We call him Wes, and other things. He was Inside Baby just six weeks ago. Now he's outside, BABY! I like him a lot more on this side, out of reach of my bladder and ribs.

So, Wes and I were in the waiting room of my OB for my six-week check-up. It was a busy day and there were probably 8ish other people waiting, waiting, waiting, including a couple people with anxious toddlers. It was silent in there and you could cut the MY-APPOINTMENT-WAS-SUPPOSED-TO-BE-20-MINUTES-AGO tension with a knife, or speculum, or pap swab.

Wes is chilling in the stroller and then, "Pfffffft!" A fart. A really good one. There was a small chuckle from one of the ladies and I said, "Excuse you, Wesley!" And then the little girl toddler (complete with high pigtails and ribbons - I DIE) says with a sly grin on her face, "Baaaaabyyyyy." I died again and everyone laughed. It was possibly my proudest moment of Wesley so far.

Friday, December 9, 2016

43. Back in the game.

It's been several weeks since my last post. These silent weeks were arguably the juiciest, blog-worthy weeks of my life so far what with all the EXTREME PREGNANCY and DELIVERING A HUMAN and then KEEPING A TINY HUMAN WORM ALIVE. But I was busy.

The bud offered a moment today to get me back in the game.

I was changing his diaper and he said, quite matter-of-factly, "Mommy workin' the poop." 

Yes, bud. Mommy is most definitely working the poop.