Wednesday, September 21, 2016

40! Wait a sec.

Is it really called menopause? MEN-o-pause? I know it's like latin or something, but were there really no other versions of the root words that could be used?

Maybe it's ironically accurate - something about men taking pause. There's a joke or a proverb in there somewhere.

It's already so annoying when a man, referring to him and his pregnant partner, say "We're pregnant!"

No, baby cakes, only ONE person is pregnant. And if that person is me, then I'll probably never let Wayne hear the end of it.

For the record, Wayne doesn't say "we" are pregnant. He's a wise, wise man. But there are enough other things about pregnancy, labor, birth, recovery, and breastfeeding for me to discuss [rationally, always] for the rest of time so he could literally never hear the end of it. Good thing he says he's always so interested in this stuff! (Just. Kidding.)

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