Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I'd like to take you back to a time when I was still breastfeeding all day, everyday.

I was at Target, the bud in tow. I was there just a little too long and the vortex got me. You know the one. Where time and space stand still and you black out a little while roaming the aisles looking at coordinating bathroom sets and trying on shoes you don't need. Then the bud made a peep, reminding me I have a child, and it was time for a feeding.

I made my way to the women's restroom hoping for a chair or stool or something, anything, to sit on in the sanctity of a dude-free zone. Aaaaand nothing. I contemplated solutions - none of which are ideal - and I determined that sitting on a toilet is the best option.

This is a pretty logical thing - using a toilet as a chair. Right? But. Remember that this is a public restroom! Would you want to eat your lunch sitting on a Target toilet?? I did it anyway (sorry bud).

What I didn't expect was the serious vulnerability I would face by sitting on a toilet with my [maternity] pants on.  Have you ever sat on a toilet with your pants ON? The urge to pee was so fierce I had to hold a Kegel for 15 minutes straight.

Ladies - do not make this mistake. Do not succumb to the toilet-feed option. Next time I'll walk right up to the rocking chair floor models and give one a real test drive. If they're lucky I may even write a review.


  1. World record,15! @$#%€$! I'm so impressed. And, really, Target. Get it together for our Mama's! Thank you. Ak
