Sunday, January 8, 2017


I'm here breastfeeding this person at 3:30 in the morning, clinging to my phone for company, entertainment, cameraderie...and I can't stop this thought from swirling in my head (entitled as it may be), 'What did women do before the smart phone?' Okay, I can get past the smart phone thing because, whatever, that's fine. Even though I'm attached to my breastfeeding tracker app like white on rice - I can consider other, non-electronic ways of the breastfeeding life. Like, using a pencil and paper for tracking feeds. And, reading a book instead of scrolling news articles (okay YOU GOT ME, my thumb always goes to Instagram first). But. What. The. Hell. Did. Women. Do. Before. Electricity. Breastfeed by candlelight? 'Hey just a sec baby, I need to light this tiny fire next to us so I can fumble my boob to your face.' I'm in the BF zone now so feeding in the near-blackness of my bedroom at 0-dark-30 isn't a big whoop, but sometimes things get crazy and I just need a lamp. Like when dude has an explosion of spitup (or poop). Shine a little light on that.

But really the entertainment thing. Like with Emmett - he regularly fed for 45 minutes (low supply, WOOF thanks). That amounted to hundreds and hundreds of hours of breastfeeding. I binged on Netflix so hard I got down to the Ken Burns documentaries. So when I think about people not even having the convenience of turning on a lamp to read a damn book I am just baffled. BAFFLED.

And then, when I imagine life before indoor plumbing-!!!!!!! HOW HOW HOW. NO NO NO. WHY GOD WHY.

And THEN. Then I am so filled with gratitude that I can barely stand it. So filled that my cup overfloweth into this blog post. Which I write using my smart phone. Full circle.

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