...*tap*tap*tap* this thing on?
It's 2025. The big bud is 10, the little bud is 8. Wayne and I are 40! Since my last time sitting at this not-a-blog we've had preschool, bedbugs, a pandemic, George Floyd, online Kindergarten (and preschool), in-person elementary school and more preschool, bedbugs again, industry strikes and loss of work, a terrible elementary school moment that I'm still not ready to write about, moving to a new elementary school, tons of illness. We've also had hundreds of trips to the playground, playdates and parties with old and new friends, trips to San Diego, The Grand Canyon, Chicago and Auntie Rachel's wedding, visits to the PNW many times to Seattle, Salem, Central Oregon, plus San Francisco, the Redwoods, the Kern River, New York City, holidays, birthdays, visits from friends and family, Disneyland, Universal Studios, Legoland, an ADHD diagnosis, sensory system explorations, therapy, and personal growth individually and as a family so monumental that this barely feels like the same life since last I wrote. I sit here now not because today is any special day or that I have a specific story to tell. I sit here because it's time to write again (and again and again) and this seems like as good a' place as any to capture whatever thoughts flow through. I started a Google doc recently to capture thoughts and ideas I want to share with my kids at some point. Things like, "Trust yourself; self doubt fuels negative self talk," and "Love is the antidote to fear," and "If you fart unexpectedly and you can't crop-dust it away, it's always cooler to claim it with confidence." This not-a-blog is my place for capturing similar thoughts, ideas, and stories for myself. For my future self, I suppose, and I suspect some thoughts will be for my younger self. It seems as though that is always what this not-a-blog was for. Which is also why I don't care much about ending sentences with a preposition and other such grammar. Here are a few ideas rolling around my mind that I want to give to my future self:
- Everything is a provision
- Everything is unfolding perfectly
- Love is the most powerful
- (This is a new one from today-->) The center of a well-lived life is being present
- (This is also a new one-->) The opposite of spirituality is not materialism, the opposite of spirituality is ego. Ego is the only thing that gets in the way of spiritual growth.